Bridge to Nowhere

Bridge to Nowhere

Bridge1This is a beautiful bridge that quite literally does not get you across anything.  It sits on an embankment that has become overgrown with foliage and remains hidden.  It is a bridge that is not well traveled or one that ever comes to pass.

Many years ago my pastor showed me a photograph similar to this one and asked me to look at it for some time.  I thought it was a nice photo but didn’t really understand the significance or what it is that he was trying to get me to “see.”

We talked later about that photo of the bridge in a field that no one used and he explained to me that I worried too much about too many things and most that would never come to pass.  He asked me to stop worrying about the things I simply could not change or the what ifs in life.  I should remain in the present and enjoy every moment.  When I would come to a bridge in life that I would need to figure out how to cross I could worry and fret about it then and find my way.

Whenever I am up at night worrying about the futures of my children, how they will handle certain situations, or how I will handle those situations with them, I often remember the photo of the bridge in the field and the talks we had about it.  I make a conscious effort to let go of those worries and simply handle each situation as it comes up. It may take some time to figure out a way to handle the bridge I’m at, but at least I haven’t wasted countless hours and precious moments lost in my own head with worry.

Perhaps by sharing this bridge with you here you will find yourself worrying about something you simply cannot predict or control and think about this bridge.  You may realize you are not yet standing in front of it and that whatever is on your mind can wait until you actually are ready to cross it.

I live in SoCal with my husband and two kids. Love reading, writing, being a foodie and coffee aficionado. I support other moms of cleft affected children. Our family is continuing along on this journey and we seek to help other families navigate terrain we've already covered. All Smiles is what we want for all cleft kiddos!

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